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【Blog Cooperation】Europe Trip in 2017 of a Taiwanese Girl

中文版本 Mandarin/Chinese version

🙋 About Me

Hello, welcome to 「吳妹,世界旅食」, my name is Yvonne, a Taiwanese girl who want to explore the whole world.

I live in Taipei, Taiwan for 23 years.

I graduated from National Taiwan University with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in 2016.

I was studying for a master degree but dropped-off and decided to go abroad to see the world first.

I am a professional traveler and blogger who love special traveling types such as working exchange, au pair, and couchsurfing.

Staying with locals and living the local life attract me very much. On the other hand, I also want to make more people know about Taiwan by the cutural exchange.

Food is one of the most important parts in this blog. I like to eat something delicious and cook by myself sometimes.

This blog was founded in 2015. I wish that my articles are useful and charming. I keep improving my blogging skills including words, pictures, SEO, and layouts. Trying to write in English and managing the keywords about Europe are my next steps.

Hope you like my blog 🙂

🗓 Schedule

2017/06 Ireland

2017/07 Spain

2017/08 France, Belgium, and Netherlands

2017/09 UK/England (6 months)

2017/12/23-2018/01/05 Czech Republic, Poland, and Austria

There are some friends studying in Germany. I will plan to visit them.

I also want to make a plan visiting Italy and Greece.

The schedule is flexible. Want to travel around the whole Europe.

I am so excited about the coming adventure.

👍 Cooperation

Thank you for your interest in cooperating with me.

I am more than happy to cooperate with traveling agents, city government, or anyone who want to cooperate with me and we have a good match.

I can offer including but not limited to high-quality articles, original photography, speech, and to be a model.

If you have other ideas, we can also talk about. Blog cooperations will always be clearly marked.

If you have a feeling that we could find a common language, just write to me: yvonne51427@gmail.com I will answer for sure.

Please feel free to contact me. Look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Reference Articles

Japan: 【2017日本京都自由行】TOP5宇治景點x交通方式&不藏私散步路線

Switzerland: 【瑞士】Niederhorn滑雪橇和滑雪 一片白靄靄雪山好壯觀

France: 【法國旅遊】巴黎景點 高地-蒙馬特Montmartre 聖心堂 紅磨坊 愛牆

Food: 【台南】國華街小吃大彙集 Top10推薦 多數人都說必吃

ELI5: 2017板橋早午餐 咖啡廳 甜點店懶人包 持續更新 不限時xWiFix插座x免服務費x美味x甜點x平價x讀書x聚餐

👣 My Steps in the World

2015/08 Tokyo, Japan

2016/01 Paris, France

2016/02 Thun, Switzerland

2016/03 Boracay, Philipines

2016/04 Hong Kong

2017/01 Kyoto & Osaka, Japan

2017/05 Okinawa, Japan

👣 My Steps in Taiwan (not including Taipei)

2013/01 Tainan Kaohsiung 【高雄】眷村裡迷路 現已拆除的自助新村

2013/02 Yilan

2013/07 Nantou

2013/08 Green Island Taitung

2014/01 Kaohsiung 【高雄】駁二藝術特區 文青散策 悠閒看展覽 踏青散步 騎自行車 逛市集

2014/02 Taichung 【台中】勤美誠品綠園道 勤美術館 光之乳酪&冰淇淋 市區裡小踏青還能看展拍照

2014/06 Penghu

2014/07 Taichung 【台中】干城六村 爺爺一揮筆彩虹眷村誕生

2014/08 Hsinchu

2014/09 Yilan 【宜蘭】蘇澳 地中海CASA 幸福小教堂 徜徉在藍天白雲大海中

2014/11 Yilan 【宜蘭】幾米廣場 宜蘭觀光酒廠 舊書櫃人文咖啡 東門夜市

2015/01 Taichung Tainan 【台南】善化胡厝寮/胡家里彩繪村 兒時的卡通回憶

2015/01 Chiayi 【嘉義】埤子大象、南崙龍貓童話、北崙青蛙、菁埔貓咪彩繪村

2015/02 Tainan 【台南】藍晒圖文創園區 昔日藍晒圖3D版 假文青拍照逛逛好去處

2015/02 Miaoli 【苗栗】大湖採草莓 一日遊景點 汶水老街 大湖酒莊 清安豆腐街 巧克力雲莊

2015/03 Yilan

2015/04 Kenting

2015/06 Hualien 【花蓮】七星潭、慕谷慕魚、雲山水、周氏蒸餃、蜂巢膠囊旅店、阿美小米文化館

2015/09 Taoyuan Hsinchu

2015/12 Taichung 【台中】2天1夜輕旅行Day1 第四信用合作社→綠光計畫→道禾六藝文化館刑務所演武場→動漫彩繪巷→文學館→秋紅谷

2015/12 Chiayi 【嘉義】樂檸漢堡 太邪惡的花生醬牛肉堡 加量肉超滿足

2016/04 Tainan Kaohsiung 【台南】5天4夜台南高雄吃不停美食之旅 Day 2(景點) 奇美博物館→十鼓文化村

2016/05 Taichung 【台中】清水 高美溼地 夕陽下的剪影 新舊交織成最美的回憶

2016/07 Taichung

2016/07 Tainan

2016/08 Tainan Kaohsiung

2016/10 Kaohsiung 台中 【台中】憲賣咖啡 東興店 一起分享餐 Let’s Send Smile to Each Other

2016/11 Taichung 【台中】Kusabi+ Cafe 抹茶提拉米蘇 x 木製空間設計 日系質感咖啡廳

2017/02 Taichung

📥 You can also find me in…



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email: yvonne51427@gmail.com